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奥市华盟于3月6日在The Heritage at Hunter Chase的活动中心举办了一场摄影专业讲座。这次讲座讨论了单反镜头的分类和参数,并专题讲解了花卉摄影及微距镜头的应用。大约有30多名摄影爱好者参加了讲座活动,其中不乏摄影初学者和老把式。

华盟理事及华盟摄影组负责人锺斌是这次活动的组织者。他首先帮助大家重温了摄影技术的ABC知识, 诸如,光圈(aperture)、焦距(focal length),镜头(lens)及其分类和使用等。在此基础上,本地资深摄影师,Steven Ng, 把大家的注意力引向了摄影微距镜头(macro Lens)技术在花卉摄影上的运用。Steven通过向大家展示和讲解几幅他自已及他人的花卉摄影作品例子,让大家看到了摄影技术的广阔应用天地,以及光的折射作用赋予花卉的奇特艺术效果和感染力,令学员们无不惊叹。



ACAN held a popular photography seminar on Mar 6 at The Heritage at Hunter Chase. Almost 30 people showed up for the event. The event organizer and an expert photographer, Bin Zhong started with introducing basic photography concepts like aperture, focal length and different kinds of lens. The renowned local photographer, Steven Ng shared his expertise on macro photography. He showed the audience his previous art works of flowers and explained the tips for taking a good flower picture including selecting an ideal background. The 2 hour seminar was very informative and was well received. The audience from beginners to advanced photography enthusiasts all learned something new while enjoying the yummy snacks.