Perceptions of Busy People “忙人”的定义

Perceptions of Busy People “忙人”的定义

Article by Wilson Hailey

Being productive is very different from being busy. The average person takes 16 days to complete a project, while those perceived as busy take an average of 19.4 days, and those perceived as productive take 12.2 days. That’s upwards of 40% faster completion!

Just a short while ago, the perception was that successful people led luxurious lives, and they were free to enjoy themselves without working long stressful days. That perception has changed in recent years. Now, we tend to imagine successful people as incredibly busy and overworked. Research suggests hectic lifestyles are seen as a status symbol, and that extra free time is for lazy people.


Seeing “Busy”

Within the past 20 years, we have begun to prioritize work over everything else in our lives. We assume the more hours spent working, the more someone earns.

One of the weirdest things (see study above), is that people want to be perceived as earning money by working hard -- even if that isn’t true. This is similar to people buying fake name brand products to improve their status. This is slowly changing everyone’s perceptions, and now, instead of assuming you can afford free time, people just assume you’re lazy.

Just reflect briefly and you’ll likely realize you are working long, tiring hours for no reason.

In reality though, working hard for long hours everyday does not correlate with success. In fact, it usually points to a lack of progress due to a lack of focus. Just ask any single mother with multiple children and multiple jobs if she feels “rich”, “successful”, or “powerful”.

The phrase “jack-of-all-trades, master of none” exists for a reason. Multitasking can actually lower your IQ, lower your productivity, and increase stress -- all of which are factors in actual success.
“万金油”这个词的存在是有原因的。“多任务处理”其实会妨碍智力的提升,影响工作效率,同时增加压力 -- 而这些都是阻碍成功的因素。

Are you addicted to work?

Information overflow is addicting. The brain wants more, but has a difficult time processing it all.

Don’t try to fill your time with extra work and tasks that have no value. Oftentimes, it’s better to rest, reflect, and let your brain process the information it’s gathered than seek out the next thing to do. After all, not every action moves you in the right direction.

  • Here’s what we suggest 以下是我们的建议:

    1.Prioritize 优先化任务

Try to determine what brings you or your organization the most value. Rigorously schedule and defend your time around these things. Learn to say no to pointless tasks that do not generate value for you.

Time is not infinite. Use it wisely.

2.Minimize 最小化任务

Look at all the things you do at work. Separate them into tasks that reflect your personal goals and create value, and those that don’t. Schedule the important ones on your calendar first. Try to delegate or trade the other tasks with coworkers, or even consider hiring a virtual assistant.

If you still have tasks you have to complete that don’t lead to your goals, set a time limit on your schedule for those and don’t spend any more time than that.

3.Eliminate 消除不必要的任务

This is the most difficult and most important step.

When you review your daily tasks and projects, always ask yourself “What would happen if I didn’t do this?”

If the answer is “nothing” then simply stop doing that task. If the answer is more complicated, you can start prioritizing tasks based on the severity of the consequences.

You’ll soon find your day has a lot more time, productivity is higher with fewer hours, and you are much more fulfilled at work.


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